Female Orgasm System


A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish a purpose.  The Reproductive System produces offspring and propagates the race. The respiratory system removes carbon dioxide and provides oxygen to the cells. The Orgasm System provides pleasure to create deeper relationships and families and recurring sex (promoting the implementation of the Reproductive System).

Systems can share components and not be identical--there can be overlap.  The entire body could be thought of as a system with subsystems like the nervous, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems.  The endocrine system makes up part of the Orgasm System. One might argue that the Orgasm System is the most complex since it does not work well if any other system malfunctions.

I first introduced the term "Orgasm System" to the medical literature more than a decade ago to promote a methodical, systems-analysis approach to diagnosing and treating sexual problems: exactly as is done with all other systems in the body.

Female Orgasm System: Problems with any one component change the function of the whole system

The following free course is for those who provide health care to women and for those who want to understand the beautiful complexity of women (women and those who love a woman).

Any one part of the system (for example, hormones) could fill a textbook, so intricate descriptions of every part of the system will not be part of the course. For this course, the components of the system will be identified, and the relation of the components to each other will be described (feedback loops). By doing that alone, physicians (and their extenders) and counselors  can more effectively take a systems approach to diagnosis and treatment and avoid the mindset that "I have a hammer, so everything looks like a nail."

Often, the counselor is not aware of the intricacies that can be done with hormones and regenerative therapies. And the physician who understands the endocrine system and the anatomy forgets the importance of knowing about past abuse and understanding the nuances of relationships.

Hopefully, by at least laying out the entire system for viewing on one page (as is done with every other body system), both women and those who care for women will facilitate more effective treatments and better sexual health.

I hope you find the course helpful. Feedback is welcome! The course will take place over ten weeks. The lessons will take place live but will be recorded and transcribed for viewing at the convenience of those who register (much will be password protected, even though free).

Register for free on the following form in ten seconds. Please, fill in all fields to help us know we are dealing with real people and not spam bots.

Thank you for your trust,

Charles Runels, MD

Charles Runels, MD

P.S. Those who complete the course and take the test successfully will receive a free certificate of completion from the Orgasm College™ certifying an understanding of the components of the Female Orgasm System.

3 thoughts on “Female Orgasm System”

    1. Are you blocked from seeing something? Just post the link where you are blocked. There is no reason for anyone to not have access. I am sorry if you had bumped a technical glich. For updates and full access to future content, I do have the system set up to require a name and email, just to be sure to know that people get the full picture (the system falls apart when incomplete).

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